Legal Notice
I. Website Editor
The website is published by the Company Atelier La Forge (hereinafter « the Company »), limited liability company, with a capital of 7500 euros, having its registered office/ head office 7 Rue de Nantes 75019 PARIS, registered at the Trade and Companies of Paris under the number: 45186405200019, represented by Annie BANON, as manager of the Company.
The intracommunity VAT number of the Company is: FR96451864052
The Company may be contacted at the following email address: and phone number:
Website publishing director: Mrs. Anilore BANON
II. Website Host
The website is hosted by OVH Company, Simplified Joint Stock Company, with a capital of 10,069,020 euros, with its head office 2 rue Kellermann 59100 ROUBAIX, registered at the Trade and Companies of Lille, under the number 424 761 419.
To contact this host, go to the following address: